Apostolic Statement of Faith


Let's now consider the essential elements of the faith - the message of the
gospel as it was understood and preached by those men who were taught by
Christ and inspired by God.

It is noteworthy that when the apostles preached the gospel, they understood
the manner in which it could be effectively summarized without endangering
the essential details of the message, or omitting any fundamental truths.

It is also noteworthy that wherever the apostles were, and to whomsoever
they preached, they *always* gave the *same* message, in the *same* way.
They had a message - the gospel - which they both knew and understood, and
because of this they were able to teach it *consistently* to all those to
whom they preached.

Throughout the record of Acts, we find that when expounding the gospel
message, the apostles consistently preaching the *same* teaching, time and
time again.
In fact, the entire gospel message may be summarized simply by examining the
speeches of the apostles in Acts.

The following research from Brother George Booker's work 'What Are the First
Principles?' will illustrate the point:


*Apostolic Statements of Faith*

*Peter in Jerusalem* - Acts 2:22-42 (Psa. 16:8-11; 110:1-7)

*Peter in Jerusalem again* - Acts 3:12-26 (Gen. 12:1-3; 22:16-18; Deut.

*Stephen in Jerusalem* - Acts 7:2-56 (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17; Deut. 18:15,19)

*Philip to the Ethiopian* - Acts 8:30-39 (Isa. 53:1-12)

*Peter to Cornelius* - Acts 10:34-48

*Paul in Antioch* - Acts 13:15-39 (Psa. 2:1-12; Isa. 55:1-13)

*Paul in Athens* - Acts 17:22-31 (Isa. 45:5-25)

*Paul to Felix* - Acts 24:14-21

*Paul to Festus and Agrippa* - Acts 26:2-27


*Peter's Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 2:22-42 (Psa. 16:8-11; 110:1-7)

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired -
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power - Acts
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 2:22
5. Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 2:23
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 2:24-33,36
(Psa. 110:1; 16:10,11)
7. Christ as the mediator - Acts 2:42 (Psa. 110:4)
8. The second coming - (Psa. 110:1,2)
9. Resurrection and judgment - (Psa. 110:3)
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance -
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored - Acts 2:30,35 (Psa. 110:2,5,6)
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 2:38
13. One body: fellowship and breaking of bread - Acts 2:42.

*Peter's Second Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 3:12-16 (Gen. 12:1-3; 22:16-18; Deut. 18:15,19)

1.       The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 3:18-21
2.       One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power -
3.       Jesus, the Son of God - Acts 3:26
4.       Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 3:22 (Deut. 18:15)
5.       Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 3:13, 18
6.       Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension – (Acts
3:15, 21, 26 Gen. 22:17)
7.       Christ as the mediator -
8.       The second coming - Acts 3:19-21
9.       Resurrection and judgment - Acts 3:23 (Deut. 18:19)
10.     Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - Acts 3:25 (Gen. 12:1-3;
11.     Promises to David: kingdom restored - Acts 3:19-21
12.     Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and
baptism - Acts 3:19, 26
13.     One body: fellowship and breaking of bread - (Gen. 12:3; 22:18)

*Steven's Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 7:2-56 (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17; Deut. 18:15,19)

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 7:38
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power -
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 7:37 (Deut. 18:15)
5. Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 7:52
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 7:55,56
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming -
Resurrection and judgment - Acts 7:37 (Deut. 18:19)
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - Acts 7:2-5 (Gen. 12:1-3;
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored -
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
     One body: fellowship and breaking of bread - (Gen. 12:3)

*Philip's statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 8:30-39 (Isa. 53:1-12)

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 8:35
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power -
3. Jesus, the Son of God - Acts 8:37
4. Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 8:34 (Isa. 53:3)
5. Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - (Isa. 53:3-7,10,11)
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - (Isa. 53:10-12)
7. Christ as the mediator - (Isa. 53:12)
8. The second coming - (Isa. 53:10,11)
9. Resurrection and judgment - (Isa. 53:10,11)
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - (Isa. 53:12)
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored - (Isa. 53:12)
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 8:36-38 (Isa. 53:10)
13. One body: fellowship and breaking of bread -

*Peter's Third Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 10:34-48

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 10:43
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power - Acts 10:38
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man -
Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 10:38,39
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 10:36,40,41
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming -
Resurrection and judgment - Acts 10:42
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance -
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored -
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 10:36,37,43,47,48
13.     One body: fellowship and breaking of bread - Acts 10:34-36,43

*Paul's Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 13:15-39 (Psa. 2:1-12; Isa. 55:1-13)

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 13:26,27 (Isa. 55:8-11)
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power - (Isa.
3. Jesus, the Son of God - Acts 13:23 (Psa. 2:7)
4. Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 13:23
5. Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 13:27-29
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 13:30,31,34
(Isa. 55:3)
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming -
Resurrection and judgment -
Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - Acts 13:32,33
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored - Acts 13:23,34 (Psa. 2:6-10; Isa.
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 13:24,38,39 (Psa. 2:12; Isa. 55:6,7)
13. One body: fellowship and breaking of bread -

*Paul's Second Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 17:22-31 (Isa. 45:5-25)

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired -
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power - Acts
17:24-29 (Isa. 45:5-8,12,21,22)
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man - Acts 17:31
5. Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice -
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 17:31
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming - Acts 17:31
9. Resurrection and judgment - Acts 17:31
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - (Isa. 45:18)
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored - (Isa. 45:14)
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 17:30
13. One body: fellowship and breaking of bread -

*Paul's Third Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 24:14-21

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 24:14
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power -
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man -
Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice -
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension -
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming -
Resurrection and judgment - Acts 24:15,21
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance -
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored -
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
One body: fellowship and breaking of bread -

*Paul's Fourth Statement of Essential Doctrines*

Acts 26:2-27

1. The Bible: the word of God, inspired - Acts 26:22
2. One God: the Father and Creator; the Holy Spirit, His power -
3. Jesus, the Son of God -
4. Jesus, a mortal man -
Jesus: his perfect life, sacrifice - Acts 26:23
6. Jesus: his resurrection, glorification, and ascension - Acts 26:23
7. Christ as the mediator -
8. The second coming -
Resurrection and judgment - Acts 26:8
10. Promises to Abraham: land inheritance - Acts 26:6,7,18
11. Promises to David: kingdom restored -
12. Forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism -
Acts 26:18,20
13.     One body: fellowship and breaking of bread - Acts 26:17,18,20,23

It is immediately apparent that:

-  The apostles were aware of the critical elements of the gospel, those
fundamental truths which summarized the Divine message of salvation

-  The apostles preached the *same* gospel, in the *same* terms, to
*everyone* - to Jews, to Greeks to Romans

-  The apostles did not include every teaching in every speech they made,
but they *never* included *any teaching other* than those in this list

-  The apostles emphasized those teachings of the gospel which were most
appropriate to their audience and to the situation

-  The apostles knew what the gospel message was, and they were able to
preach it consistently

-  The apostles identified a collection of teachings which were *essential
saving truths*, and they preached these teachings as *the gospel*

The speeches of the apostles demonstrate that they had a definite
understanding of what was truth, and what was not.  Their speeches are
nothing other than a *statement* of their faith.  In fact, as we shall see,
our own statement of faith is based directly on the apostolic teaching as
reflected in the speeches of the apostles.