Greetings in God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord,
Dear James:
Thanks for the email that I received from you. My name is Charlie and I'm 25 years old and was born from above through faith and Baptism in 1997, although in a Baptist church. I stayed with my Baptist Church for a little over a year, and entered the Pentecostal church, and stayed there for a year...needless to say ever since late 2000 I have been church hopping. I even studied Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy in depth for 2 years, and went to the Orthodox Church for 5 months.
I love to study Theology and Doctrine, and sometimes, maybe too much. My Protestant friends say that I think too much. LOL But I don't think that is the case, I want the Truth. I am a seeker of the Truth. To be honest with you, ever since I was born from above, I have not really and fully accepted the Trinity. I studied Oneness theology of the Oneness Pentecostals (JESUS only).
But I couldn't accept that theology. I have studied the
And even a Eternal Damnation, I started to doubt. And Symbolic Baptism. And even the Devil, because I thought to myself, if the Devil, being a fallen angel who is ultimately finite in his being, how can he tempt millions of people at the same time? And I read in James, that we sin when we give into our lustful nature, etc. Satan does not make us sin, sin in us makes us sin. I found a Christadelphian web page and I was SHOCKED! I got a book called "The Trinity: True or False" by: James H. Burogham. I have been reading that book NON-STOP!! This book is amazing! And I couldn't believe how the doctrine and beliefs of the Christadelphians, matched up with what I was reading in the Scriptures, instead of these new innovations, like, Infant Baptism, The Rapture, GOD the Son, Baptism by sprinkling, the PERSON of the Holy Spirit, etc, etc.
Well, I put you on my buddy list. Hope to see you sometime! Take Care.
Now may the GOD of peace comfort you through his Word which is Truth and in the Anointing of His Holy Spirit. Amen.
His Bond-Servant,