My Journey to Christadelphianism  by: Charlie Durie


            My Journey to the Christadephians has been a very long and hard one, because the seeking of sound doctrine is not an easy one, midst 20,000 different denominations all claiming to be lead by the Holy Spirit, yet all teach different doctrines and theology.  So needless to say I feel like a person who has just escaped from a maze of twisted theology and doctrine and have now arrive to the end of the journey.


            I called upon the name of the Lord in October 1997 after going through the most difficult trauma in my life.  I then started searching for a church, but which one?  There is only like 20,000 + of them, with all types of doctrines, and teachings.  I was hesitate about the Pentecostal Churches, and the Holiness churches because of all the tongue speaking, slain in the Spirit, and running around, etc.  So I picked an independent Baptist church.  I meet a lot of good friend there, however the service was almost like a show.  Wear your suites and ties, wear a smile, etc and say your doing fine and everything was okay.


            While in the cushioned pews before the service people would be fellowshipping all the way until the Pastor started, and there was no preparation for worship or awe of GOD in the Church.  Further, I would be hearing people behind me complain or gossip, even during the sermon, and woman applying lipstick, etc during the sermon. I told the pastor that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and wanted to be baptized.  Mind you, I called upon the Lord in August of 1997, started the Baptist church on Dec 8, 1997, and told my Pastor about my decision for Christ later that month.


            The Pastor was glad and said that he could set up an appointment for my Baptism.  I thought to myself, why wait?  I saw people being baptized that very hour, or immediately, but I would have to wait two months to get baptized.  I was eventually baptized on Feb 8, 1999.  According to the Pastor Baptism was not very important and could wait and that baptism was not necessary to my salvation, so being a new believer, I trusted him.  He told me being baptized is just an act of obedience and shows other people what has happened on the inside of me, and by doing this I was joining the Church.


            I stayed with the Baptist church for a whole year.  I started studying the end times prophecy. I was very much interested in this doctrine called the “Rapture”, where all believers in Christ would be raptured up in the air and then 7 years of tribulation would enter on earth.  At first I accepted this doctrine and the Pastor would make many references to it and we would sing hymns talking about the Rapture, however, through much study and reading of Scripture, I found that the Rapture was not compatible with Scripture.  And I had other issues with the Church too.  It was too political and the pastor seemed like he was untouchable and always busy and could never see him unless you got an “appointment”.  The church was only about 150 strong.


            So needless to say I left the Baptist church, and starting seeking another church.  This is what I call Cafeteria Christianity.  So, I thought I would look into the “holy rollers” or the Holiness Church. (Holy rollers said as a joke, not to offend).  I made two good friends at the church, who eventually got married there.  And I met the most loving and understanding people, very emotional people.

The Sermons was very charismatic and the worship was very contemporary.

But as the months went on, I could tell there was too much focus on the Holy Spirit, and it almost seemed as if they treated the Holy Spirit as some type of deity god.  There was more focus on the Spirit, rather than Jesus or GOD.  The Sunday School Teacher even said once “When you get up each day you should say, hi Holy Spirit and then talk to him”. 


            Then there was the whole problem of the so-called Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  I was very hesitant about this.  However, the pastor and Sunday School Teacher wanted to lay hands on me to receive this “New Power”.  I had always believed that when you become a born again believer GOD gives you his Spirit without Measure, but it is up to you how you yield yourself to GODs use, thus being filled with the Holy Spirit. So I really didn’t believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  But I let the Pastor and SS Teacher lay hands on me and pray for me.  Later that night while I was reading my bible, I kept thinking about this new power I was suppose to receive.  I remember the pastor kept saying “Just relax, and open your mouth and the words will come, even though you don’t know what your saying, and the devil will try to play games with your mind and tell you that your making it all up.”


            So I tried that night and spoke in “tongues”.  I was on an emotional high, knowing that I DID have the power, because I spoke in tongues!  The next Sunday I was so excited and everyone was so happy for me.  The Pastor told me that I had to keep speaking in tongues whenever I had a chance.  And I did.  However as the months past, I noticed when we had bible studied we would all speak in tongues at once, which is not biblical.  I told the Pastor about this, how Paul said, let each speak in tongues, one at a time, and no more than three, and let there be an interpreter there.  I didn’t see this order in our bible studies.  The explanation the Pastor gave me was that Paul was instructing believers when they go to church, not when they have bible studies.  I thought this was a very, very weak straw man argument, and started to have doubts about the whole speaking in tongues business.


            I noticed Paul says “Where there are tongues, they shall cease” in Corinthians.  And how the gifts would cease to be, when the church becomes mature.  Needless to say, I stopped “speaking in tongues”, and yes, the “devil” kept telling me that I was making the gibberish up, at least that is what the pastor told me, but I soon realized it was not Satan, but myself.  I thought what good it talking in tongues when I don’t even know what I am saying, how am I being lifted up and encourage by this gibberish?  Then I did an all out study on tongues and Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Through much prayer and study, I found that Tongues were a sign for the unsaved, not the saved.  That GOD said, “I will speak to these people (Jews) with other tongues (Languages).”  I finally came to the conclusion that tongues where one of the special gifts by the Holy Spirit in the first Century to mature the Church and win converts from Judaism, but after the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, the tongues ceased.


            It was not only the tongues that made me leave my Assemblies of GOD church after a year, but some of the other strange things.  Like people being slain in the spirit, holy laughter, etc.  So, after a year there I left the church, knowing that I couldn’t hold fast to the doctrines of the church.  It was really hard for me to leave, because I made so many good friends there.  I got to a point where, before I left, I compromised my beliefs.  I thought I could stay a member and just ignore the speaking in tongues, and the references of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but it didn’t last long.  I told my friends I was leaving and they were shocked.  They all wanted me back really bad, and the pastor still sends me post card, once in a while.  They are really nice people, but mislead by false doctrine.


            So then after leaving the AOG Church, I really didn’t know where to go.  Both experiences had left me questioning a lot and just plain tired of it all.  I felt like maybe Church is a crock and maybe I don’t even need church.  But I knew that I needed a church to join.  I checked out many churches and reading their doctrines.  I started to doubt some of the doctrines I had been taught from my Baptist church like Eternal Security and the Baptist view on Baptism and even the doctrine of the Trinity.  I thought maybe Satan was getting the best of me to even doubt eternal security and especially the Trinity.  I was told I was being deceived.


            I prayed to GOD may times, just wanted to know the truth and sound doctrine, and praying for a church to join.  I basically church hopped for about a whole year, but still had a restless in myself about something.  So, I thought to myself, what about Catholicism?  I started studying Catholicism for like about 8 months; I bought 10 different Catholic books, bought the Catechism and the 2,000 page book “Catholicism”.  It was finally a nice change to get away from all the Protestantism and the 20,000 different doctrines and find something that actually had unity, and order to it, so in that regards I was so glad to find Catholicism.


            I went to a couple masses at the Catholic church here and man was it a culture shock.  The church was big, very beautiful inside, Statues of Mary everywhere and the people seemed as if they were in a rush all the time.  After the Holy Eucharist the people would just leave the church in a hurry.  No fellowship at all.  I found that a little strange.  I asked the Priest for an appointment to get together with him and when the date came for him to call me he never did.  I went to RCIA (Rites for Christians Initiation for Adults); I found it very lacking and the teaching very poor.  One reason why I accepted Catholicism in the beginning is because it was like a relief from all the 20,000 denominations, with 20,000 different doctrines, etc.  Just submit myself to the Pope and Church and that was that.  Peace and rest.


            But, I kept on reading the Catholic Catechism and found many things that were contrary to Holy Scripture.  I couldn’t accept Purgatory, and the infallibility of the Pope, or the Immaculate Conception of Mary (that mary was born without sin).  So I tried Eastern Orthodoxy.  They don’t believe in the Papacy or the Immaculate Conception of Mary or Purgatory.  I went to the St. George Greek Orthodox Church for about 2 months, but the liturgy was all in greek and some English.  However, I started reading Hebrews about the Jesus Christ and his High Priest status and the whole Priesthood Ministry of our Lord, and I couldn’t accept mans priesthood. (I don’t ever think I came to the point where I fully accepted the priesthood anyways).


            I left the church.  And I didn’t go to church for about 3 months.  I was just so sick and tired of it all.  I felt like Jesus was a failure, because He said to GOD “Let them all be one, as you and I are one  I looked at all the different doctrines, church, and beliefs and left that Christianity is in a broken state.  That the Body of Christ is wounded by false doctrines, and wolves in sheep’s clothing, etc.  Now you even have Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons, etc. 

So I began a search for sound doctrine, the doctrine of the Apostles in the New Testament.


            The Catholic Church claimed for herself “The Church of Christ that he founded”.  But studying the history of the Catholic Church, I knew that Catholicism went into apostasy early in her time.  With the introduction of new doctrines concerning Mary, Papal infallibility, purgatory, and indulgences, infant baptism, baptism by sprinkling, etc.  The Catholic Crusades and forced conversions to Christianity by the Sword, etc.  Further, there was no priesthood until after the 4th Century.  The only priesthood was the pagan priesthood and the Jewish Priesthood.  The Priesthood was the limited, weak shadow of that which was to come, our Mighty High Priest, our Advocate, and our Mediator, Jesus Christ the Lord!


             Regarding the forgiveness of sins, two critical doctrines must be examined. First, all sins must be confessed to a priest:

"One who desires to obtain reconciliation with God and with the Church, must confess to a priest all the unconfessed grave sins he remembers after having carefully examined his conscience." Pg. 374, #1493

"Confession to a priest is an essential part of the sacrament of Penance:" Pg. 365, #1456


"It is called the sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest is an essential element of this sacrament. Pg. 357, #1424 (See also Pg. 374, #1493).


Catholicism orders members to confess their sins to a man, but the Bible reveals that those who have been born into God's family can go straight to God's throne to receive forgiveness for their sins:


"I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. " Psalm 32:5


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

David confessed his sins to God when he prayed:


"Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me." Psalm 51:2-3 Here is why true Christians have access to God’s throne:


"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus..." Hebrews 10:19 Because of the sinless blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross, we have the authority to go straight to the throne of God for forgiveness.


              After I left my AOG Church I basically went from church to church for about 1/2 a year. But I stopped going to church for about 4 months to really study the Bible and pray about GOD revealing to me a Church that preaches sound doctrine.  I found the Christadelphians on the internet about a month ago.  I studied their doctrines and still studying them and I believe it to be the doctrine of the apostles, once and for all delivered to us.  No other doctrines added or taken away! 


            I studied how the doctrine of the Trinity came about and found that the founder of the Trinity used platonic terms and philosophy to unravel the relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and basically said they are one, but three.  A Trinity in Unity.  That in the Godhead there are three distinct or separate persons, yet one GOD.  Basically making GOD another age old triad god from the past. This is not a biblical teaching, but a pagan concept and teaching!  Where in the bible do any of the apostles teach this doctrine?

Another doctrine, the so-called two natures of Jesus Christ. How could Jesus be man and God at the same time? Many Christians call the Trinity and the Two natures of Christ, Orthodoxy of Christianity, but further study in church history, reveals that most “Orthodoxy” doctrines where the creation of pagan converts to Christianity in the 3rd and 4th Century.


            I have come to understand that Jesus was not literally GOD in flesh.  He was the Word made flesh.  The Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.  The Word was GOD, because the Logos was the plan of GOD, or the idea of GOD.  “The Lamb of GOD, slain before the foundations of the World”.  GOD already had the plan figured out, He had Christ in view.  Basically the Idea became flesh.  Jesus Christ was the Holy One, the Final Prophet, the Mouth of GOD, the perfect reflection of GODs character, the hand of GOD, the One to reveal GOD to us in these last times, the Son of GOD.  The Father was in Christ reconciling the World.  In as much as Christ is in me, and He is manifest through me, yet I am not Christ, but he lives his life through me, as GOD lived out his perfect righteousness through Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ with his human nature had to obey and submit.  “He learned obedience, through the things he suffered” and “He grew in favor with GOD and man”.


            Another issue was this so called “burning in hell for all eternity business”.  My question is if Hell is a place where people are torment for all eternity, then what about the SECOND DEATH!?!  And what about when Jesus said “Fear him who can kill the body and then the soul in hell.”  Plus the book of Psalms makes it clear that we shoel, grave, hell are the same thing.  We return to the dust of the earth.  And when we die we are not judged individually and cast into heaven or hell, we sleep, and then await the resurrection.  I frankly got tired of Pastors saying, “so and so are in heaven now.”  I found the lack biblical knowledge in some churches, just right out sick!  When we are resurrected at the Second Coming of Christ, then and only then are we judged, the Sheep to the Right and the Goats to the left.


            The Wages of Sin is Death!  The book of Psalms talks about how the dead no nothing, that they cease to exist.  The whole concept of a burning hell where people are tortured originated in pagan believes and really gained way by St. Augustine.  The fate of the damned and the promise of the evildoers is not everlasting life and immorality, but DEATH.  We who believe in the Gospel of Christ will receive the promise of everlasting life and immorality.


            I believe that the Christadelphains are correct concerning Hell, The Incarnation, the Two natures of Christ and the Trinity.  Further, I believe then to be correct about Baptism.  Baptism is not an option for the Christian!  “He who believes AND is Baptized shall be saved.”  Have you ever seen a Billy Graham crusade?  All the thousands of people come to the alter and make a “decision” for Christ.  But I have one question “Where is the WATER?”  “You must be born again of WATER and SPIRIT!”  And what about sprinkling over the head?  Where is that found in the bible?  Nowhere because being baptized means going down into water, being full covered up with water, which symbolizes the Death of Christ.  So, this Baptism is a FAR cry from about 90% of Denominational baptisms.


            Another doctrine that I found hard to believe was the whole concept of the Devil or Satan now in hell, used to be an Angel that sinned called Lucifer.  I have two questions.  How can angels sin, but then not die, if the wages of Sin if death?  And how can a fallen angel temp billions of people on this earth to sin if he is not omnipresent?  These are questions that I fear most Christians have not thought about.  But this whole story about Satan has been taught over and over and over again, and basically brainwashed Christians to believe this.  But where is the Biblical account for all this?  Where does the Bible say that Lucifer was an Angel?  How can an angel have pride? Etc.


            The whole story about Lucifer falling from heaven in Is Chapter 14 was the King of Babylon as Isaiah 14:3 says. Further, Lucifer was translated “evening start” which is Venus.  The King was like the Morning Star and he fell.  GOD had supported him and lifted him up as the morning star, but pride was found in him and GOD threw him down. If you take Isaiah 14 as a whole you will see that it all talks about the King of Babylon.  Verse 15-16 “But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you:  “Is this the MAN who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms……”  We are talking about a man who became so prideful that GOD literally made him into nothing! This is a far cry form the whole, “Lucifer fell from heaven and temps man, fairy tale!”


            I wanted to share with you some shocking notes in my “The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha”.  Job 1:6-RSV study notes say “Satan (see note a; Zech 3.1 n.) is among the sons of God.  He is not yet the demonic personification of later Judaism (compare 1 Chr. 21:1) and Christianity.”

And “Zech 3:1- RSV Study notes say –“In the OT, Satan (Literally, “The Adversary”) is not the incarnation of evil but a functionary of the Heavenly court who accuses man of wrong.” 


            I thought how could Satan temp me to sin?  But I read James that says 1:13 “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed BY HIS OWN DESIRE!  Then the desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown bring forth death.”  This verse makes it VERY clear the temptation to sin comes from our own evil desires that come from the wicked heart, not some fallen evil angel out to get mankind!  Further, if it were Satan tempting us, don’t you think James would have said that Satan is the one doing the tempting?


            So I reject the personification of evil in a fallen angel story!  I feel that I have finally arrived at sound doctrine!  And I finally feel at rest now, because what I believe now is not man made pagan philosophy or protestant theology, but exactly what Holy Scripture says!  I feel that I have a home among my Christadelphian Brothers and Sisters!  And I wanted to dedicate this testimony to Jesse Warner and Mary!  They have been a blessing in my life.  And to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, I thank because of what I have found now, the Biblical, New Testament Doctrine, beliefs and Church. 


            I hope this paper has blessed and encouraged the reader. 

In Him,

Charlie Durie



I believe that I have found the Truth. The true doctrine that has not be perverted and distorted by early pagan converts, nor by the protestant reformers theology.