The Bible..
is the best hymn book ever published;
the best prayer book ever compiled;
the finest book of politics in the world;
the richest will and testament ever put
on parchment;
the most sure word of prophecy extant;
the safest guide book ever printed;
the only representative of infallibility
on earth;
the only unerring standard of truth in
the most accurate book of history ever
the most uncompromising publication known;
the best book of fashion and etiquette ever seen;
the most perfect book of morals ever
the sublimest book of poetry ever
the truest book of destiny ever conceived;
the most profitable daily reading book ever written;
the most practical book ever bound;
the most delightful book ever dreamt of;
the most excelsior school book ever
the best servant’s friend ever
the most profound book of law ever
the most edifying book of lectures ever bought;
the most useful pocket book ever carried;
the most valuable present that can be
the best newspaper ever folded;
the most enlightening book of science
ever perused;
the choicest book of philosophy ever invented;
the best sword ever brandished;
the infidel’s direst enemy;
the mortal foe of every form of superstition and priestcraft;
the sworn adversary of all
unrighteousness and corruption;
the only inspired revelation of the mind and purpose of God;
the only satisfactory explication of the phenomena of existence, sin, and death;
the only divinely revealed way out of the grave;
the only reliable key to the political situation;
the only correct solution of human
the only book that can declare the end
from the beginning;
the only book that can make wise to salvation;
the only programme of events for a
thousand years to come;
the only glad tidings that can purify the heart,
revolutionize the mind,
and make ready a people for the coming of the Lord.
Brother F.R. Shuttleworth