Women Who Encountered Jesus


Based on Faye Fields’ book titled Women who Encountered Jesus, and a recent

conversation I had with my Auntie Mary who is a Nun from Trinidad, I felt

inspired to write a short message concerning women in the bible.


Field points out…

- there are only eighteen occasions on which Jesus spoke to women

- yet, there are only twelve women for who we have direct, personal

conversations recorded

This is related to a point that our Bro. Devon Walker from Jamaica brought

up one day during our evening devotions.  He mentioned that God and Jesus

are not like distant relatives, they are PERSONAL!  We should remember to

strive daily to reach the point where we are assured that we have a personal

relationship with God and Jesus.

- The issues these women were dealing with are ones that all of us can

relate to today:

- Mothers concerned with children, those in conflict over good and evil

desires, those experienced the loss of loved ones, those who have values

that others criticize, those involved in physical suffering, those who are

dead in spirit, those who are caught in sin, those who are encumbered over

trivial matters, those who are deformed or handicapped, those who are

ambitious for recognition and prominence, and those who are not quite ready

for miracles.

- The one woman I would like to focus on in this short message is The Woman

of Samaria.  (John 4:4-30, 39-42.

- One of the interesting points my Aunt subtly pointed out to me, is that

the woman after speaking with Jesus, left her waterpot, and went her way

into the city.  How often are we (even with the knowledge of Christ and his

gift) able to put down – throw off – discard… all of our hang-ups or

worries?  Not only did this woman put her waterpot down, but also she went

on her way.  So, this tells me that we are not only to give up these worries

and hang ups, but we should also move on. As Bro. Preston Smith brought out

at O-O Training; we should strive to reach a new level.

This encounter can teach us many things!  What it highlights to me, is that

I can forget about my sins, or worries, or hang ups and instead embrace

God’s wonderful gift through Jesus.  As Field points out “she did not let

the past close her lips”.  The lesson here is that we must learn to move on.


Love and hope in our Lord’s return,

Sis. Danielle Carter